Saturday, November 13, 2010

Political Party Sytem

This is a basic summary of the history
of the American two-party system.
Hopefully it provides a little clarity.
There are two specific time periods where
the was no clear two-party system: the

Presidency of George Washington
who did not represent a political party,
and the
"Era of Good Feelings",
shortly after the Federalist Party had
faded away after the War of 1812.

The Democratic Party of today began
with Andrew Jackson and is a descendant
of the Jeffersonian Republicans.
The Republican Party of today began at
the time of Abraham Lincoln and has
some similarities with the Federalist Party.

1) To what extent is the modern Democratic Party representative of Jeffersonian principles? To what extent is it representative of
Jacksonian principles?
2) To what extent is the modern Republican Party representative of Hamiltonian principles? To what extent is it representative of the ideas of Abraham Lincoln?

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